Flatbed Cutters
In the sign and graphics industry, an immense amount of labor goes into cutting and finishing materials. No matter what substrates you’re working with, it’s common for a large portion of a shop’s workforce to focus on this process each day. As a business owner, you’re likely familiar with the various technology that can help with cutting graphics. Roll-fed vinyl cutters (or plotters), CNC routers and flatbed cutters are all designed to cut various materials and significantly increase shop productivity. Today we’re going to focus on the most versatile of these three options, flatbed cutters. We’ll also look at why your sign and graphics shop should absolutely be leveraging this technology to rapidly grow your business.
Flatbed Cutters And Your Business
If your shop employs a large number of manual cutters, or you rely on dated or small-scale technology to cut materials, then it is absolutely time to rethink your strategy. A flatbed cutter is the perfect place to start. The biggest reason is versatility. While many sign and graphics shops worry about how they are going to afford different cutting machines for flexible and rigid material, a flatbed cutter can do it all. This means you can consolidate all your cutting jobs to just one machine. This frees up employee time for other tasks and opens shop space for other equipment. You’ll be able to dramatically increase your daily output as well. Think more clients with shorter return times on projects. Adding a flatbed cutter to your business is truly a win-win.
Global Imaging recommends Zünd flatbed cutters for your shop’s cutting needs. Let’s take a closer look at why this company stands out from the rest as well as profile their three most popular models.
Zünd Digital Cutters
Zünd is the world’s premier manufacturer of flatbed cutters. Based in Switzerland and boasting a rich culture of design and innovation, Zünd has been at the forefront of digital cutting technology for over 30 years. In fact, chances are most packaging, graphics and textiles we see in our daily lives are created with Zünd technology in some aspect. Zünd also focuses on modular design in all their cutters. Each machine is multi-functional and can be upgraded or reconfigured at any time. After the initial investment, upgrading a Zünd digital cutter is extremely cost-effective. There are three distinct Zünd models to focus on for your growing business. Let’s break down the key aspects of each machine one by one.
Zünd S3 Digital Cutter
The Zünd S3 Digital Cutter is the perfect place for a small but growing business to start. The Zünd S3 has a smaller footprint than other models, which means it can fit in smaller shops. At the same time, the S3 is an excellent machine to grow with as your business expands. As we examined above, Zünd flatbed cutters are all modular, and you can customize the machine to meet your shop’s individual needs. Zünd’s advanced drive system ensures these cutters complete each job quickly and efficiently. Synchronized marking, perforating, cutting, and routing tools deliver finished products to exact specifications every time. The S3 is an excellent addition to any sign and graphics shop.
Zünd G3 Digital Cutter
While the Zünd S3 is a great starter option, its scope is limited by its size. The S3 can easily tackle small to medium scale jobs, but when it comes to large format projects, the Zünd G3 is the better option. The G3 Digital Cutter is a step up from the S3, and it is the company’s flagship model. The G3 is designed for high volume production including industrial applications and 24/7 shift work. Your business will experience a productivity boost overnight when you install this technology. However for the maximum level of production in a flatbed cutter, nothing comes close to the Zünd D3.
Zünd D3 Digital Cutter
Zünd’s top of the line digital cutter breaks all convention in flatbed cutters and doubles or even triples productivity compared to other models. The Zünd D3 features two cutting beams, and this creates unprecedented versatility in a flatbed cutter. While one side of the machine is cutting, the operator can actively load the other side. Each of the two beams can be equipped with three individual modules, and the intelligent cutter controller ensures you process jobs at previously unheard-of rates. The D3 features the best price-to-performance ratio in the industry and will catapult your business into the next stratosphere of production capacity.
How To Get Started
Global Imaging can help you evaluate different Zünd models to select the one that meets your business goals. Our applications team is well versed in everything these remarkable cutters can accomplish and how to effectively incorporate them into an existing production environment.
From cutting ultra thin vinyl lettering all the way up to 2″ boards, the range of applications is astonishing. We can help you expand into new applications to make the most of your flatbed cutter right away. And if you think a flatbed cutter isn’t in your budget, you may be able to purchase a used Zünd on our sister site, Global Garage. To get started with this exciting and versatile technology, contact us today.